Blabberbox » Increase in Phishing EmailsShare on Twitter

Increase in Phishing Emails

August 29th, 2008 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

  Been noticing an increase in phishing/scam emails the past few days (5 in last 3 days..).  Thing that bothers me is they have my real email address, so not sure what that would signify.  It’s also coming from a lot of major sites, so that’s something to be aware of - including, cnet, amazon, ebay.  Makes me worry if they have my real email - why they bother to send fake ones.

  Quick way to check is to see who it’s from - the name right before .com or .net or anything like that should be the actual site.  Many times, if it’s fake, it won’t be correct (though some go as far as to spoof that as well).

  Another way to tell it’s a scam email is to hover your mouse over the links (don’t click though).  Pretty darn obvious if the links don’t go back to the website (cnet, ebay, etc).  It’s also obvious when all the links are the same - which has happened on most scam emails I get.

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