Blabberbox » Intel 320 80GB SSD vs Mushkin Chronos 120GB SSDShare on Twitter

Intel 320 80GB SSD vs Mushkin Chronos 120GB SSD

April 18th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #
Just a bit background on why I bother - had a disappointing upgrade from the Samsung 64GB SSD that came with my Dell XPS M1330 to Intel's 320 80GB SSD.  The Samsung drive was already several years old, so I thought it'd be worth upgrading to a modest SSD - Intel seemed safe.  Turns out after running the drive for a while, I noticed programs tended to load rather slowly.  I had installed my Samsung drive to another computer and decided to start up the same programs in parallel - the Samsung drive was up to a quarter faster at times.  Definitely not very happy about that, considering it was several years older (did technology downgrade over the years???)

Anyways, for space reasons again, I went out to upgrade to another SSD.  This time to the Mushkin Chronos which is rated generally among the same speeds as the top performing drives currently, though much less expensive.  Fairly content with it so far.  It is definitely faster than the Intel at least and seems about the same speed as the older Samsung I had.

Here are the load times in seconds (run twice each for good measure):
TaskIntel 320   Mushkin Chronos
Bootup  25, 2522, 25
Photoshop   5, 23, 2
Premiere  18, 610, 5

You'd think 3-4 years would be safe to just upgrade to any current product, but I'll definitely be benchmarking my upgrades in the future just to be sure.
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