Blabberbox » My First MycestroShare on Twitter

My First Mycestro

May 11th, 2014 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #
Just got my Mycestro this week and have to say it's very impressive.  The first questions I had when I read about it was its comparison to Leap Motion.  They're very different devices.

For Leap Motion, you must remain near the device and there's a learning curve to pointing and "clicking" efficiently.

For Mycestro, you can be anywhere in the room and control the mouse.  There's no pointing needed.  It's actually easier to just rotate your wrist or tilt your hand to move the mouse as opposed to doing any waving.  Clicking is done by just actually pressing the tactile buttons with your thumb.

I'm really surprised they don't emphasize this aspect of being able to be across the room from the computer more.  It really is underutilized if you just sit at the desk and use it as a mouse replacement as shown in their marketing materials.

Can't wait to start using this in actual presentations. Grin

Update 2014/06/06: I ran into a situation once where the Mycestro seemed to be stuck in scrolling mode and I couldn't move the mouse, even if I disconnected and reconnected the dongle.  The fix was to press and hold all 3 buttons down briefly.  It sort of reset the Mycestro and got it working normally again.  Just thought I'd put it out there for anyone who might run into this! Smiley
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