Blabberbox » Pocket ProjectorsShare on Twitter

Pocket Projectors

June 1st, 2009 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

  I guess I’m getting a bit behind these days.  I was just joking a few weeks ago about the possibility of having “pocket projectors” in the future.  Turns out they already have them! So tiny too - I can’t believe it. :P


Castrade Mini-LED Projector

 Castrade Mini-LED Projector

  Can’t believe something like that even exists.  It might even be smaller than the mini speakers I have.  Unfortunately, the pricetag is over $200… just a tad too expensive.  Maybe when they start making them for under $100… and maybe if the lightbulbs were replacable. :P

  As usual, adding this to my list of interesting gadgets and tech to buy.  Always looking for interesting stuff like this - anyone feel free to send me items as well!

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