Using Mirrors to Decrease Projector Throw Ratio
Been doing a lot of work with pocket projectors lately. One problem I've run into with them is the throw length. It's no fun having something portable if you still need a lot of space to do any projecting. So I did some experimenting with mirrors to see if I can "simulate" the extra distance for the projector without actually using much space.
I did some reading before diving into this and one point I noted was that surface mirrors tend to retain a lot more light than the conventional glass mirrors you get in stores. The glass mirrors are basically coated surface mirrors to prevent scratching. What I used were regular mirrors, but I thought the result was good enough for me.
The main issue I'm contending with right now is whether to use a convex mirror which greatly increases the size of the image or just a regular mirror, which prevents distortion and preserves a bit more brightness.
I remember it was only a year ago too that I was mentioning how surprised I was pocket projectors even existed. This will be very useful one day hehe
I did some reading before diving into this and one point I noted was that surface mirrors tend to retain a lot more light than the conventional glass mirrors you get in stores. The glass mirrors are basically coated surface mirrors to prevent scratching. What I used were regular mirrors, but I thought the result was good enough for me.
The main issue I'm contending with right now is whether to use a convex mirror which greatly increases the size of the image or just a regular mirror, which prevents distortion and preserves a bit more brightness.
I remember it was only a year ago too that I was mentioning how surprised I was pocket projectors even existed. This will be very useful one day hehe
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