Blabberbox » Thought of the Day:pftq's occasionally coherent trains of thought.Share on Twitter

Evil Growth

December 18th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Evil never grows. Good just shrinks.
393 unique view(s)

Clouded By Doubt

November 18th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
What do you do when you've done the impossible but no one believes you?
390 unique view(s)

Nothing But Nothing

July 6th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Always in a rush because you'll do nothing but nothing if you die... And who knows how long it'll be before you're reborn again.
407 unique view(s)

Big Bang

July 6th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
The Big Bang was just God exploding because he was too lonely.
403 unique view(s)

Dreaming in a Coma

June 21st, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Living the dream until waking to find you've been dreaming in a coma...
443 unique view(s)

Swallow's Heart

June 9th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Swallow your tears and eat your heart.
401 unique view(s)

Freedom, Power, Purpose

May 7th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Freedom wants power.  Power wants purpose.  Purpose wants freedom.
423 unique view(s)

Heart and Mind

May 2nd, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
The heart longs to move forward but does not understand.
The mind is all-knowing but does not think it can.
407 unique view(s)

Mazes and Walls

March 15th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
You spend your life solving the mazes around you... Sometimes, after finding yourself in the same maze yet again, you just want to break the walls down - but then others interpret it as your defeat.
388 unique view(s)


March 10th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Leave a footprint so large, no realizes it exists.
386 unique view(s)


March 5th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Stop speculating and find the truth.
416 unique view(s)


January 28th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
I don't jinx people.  I just predict their future.
359 unique view(s)

Freedom vs Power

January 17th, 2012 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
You clamored for freedom, but what you really wanted was power. What good is freedom if you can't actually do anything?
562 unique view(s)

Sleeping Entity

November 28th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Society is a collective entity yet to become self aware.
321 unique view(s)

Wanting Everything

October 6th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
You may feel like you want nothing from the world... but then you realize what you actually want is just unattainable.
351 unique view(s)

Growing Up

September 14th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Sometimes you wish you didn't have to grow up.  But you do want to grow up.  You just don't want to become a different person.
310 unique view(s)

Meaning of Effect

August 19th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Meaning is nothing without effect.
319 unique view(s)

Machine with No Confidence

August 18th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Work like a machine, yet have no confidence. What good is that?
484 unique view(s)

Left Unsaid

August 15th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
So many things left unsaid... so many things written but left unread.
327 unique view(s)

Head in the Clouds

July 18th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Some watch the clouds and say they're beautiful.
Others stick their heads in and can't see a thing.
328 unique view(s)