Full VR Multiplayer Replication Complete
Ready for rematch. 

A lot of people have constantly tried to convince me multiplayer alone is a hard thing to do and VR in multiplayer is even harder, but I'm not finding that the case so far. If anything, it's a lot of time and attention to detail, but nothing really seems to come across as overwhelming or rocket science. I certainly wouldn't hire someone just to take care of multiplayer networking now that I know what it entails.
If anything the hardest part was just finding out how to connect to another instance of the game in the first place, which was just poorly documented.
After that, it's a lot of figuring out what you need to replicate or not replicate in the course of the game using remote procedural calls. This thread in particular was most helpful: https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/blueprint-visual-scripting/102591-turn-the-first-person-fps-template-to-a-multiplayer-experience
Beyond that, if you want to improve performance, you'll want to run code simultaneously on the user's computer at the same time it is doing a call to the server to run it. The topic itself is called client-side prediction. Still working out the best practices for this, but it's all fine-tuning and optimizing from here.

A lot of people have constantly tried to convince me multiplayer alone is a hard thing to do and VR in multiplayer is even harder, but I'm not finding that the case so far. If anything, it's a lot of time and attention to detail, but nothing really seems to come across as overwhelming or rocket science. I certainly wouldn't hire someone just to take care of multiplayer networking now that I know what it entails.
If anything the hardest part was just finding out how to connect to another instance of the game in the first place, which was just poorly documented.
After that, it's a lot of figuring out what you need to replicate or not replicate in the course of the game using remote procedural calls. This thread in particular was most helpful: https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/blueprint-visual-scripting/102591-turn-the-first-person-fps-template-to-a-multiplayer-experience
Beyond that, if you want to improve performance, you'll want to run code simultaneously on the user's computer at the same time it is doing a call to the server to run it. The topic itself is called client-side prediction. Still working out the best practices for this, but it's all fine-tuning and optimizing from here.
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