Blabberbox » Hiding Wordpress Dashboard CompletelyShare on Twitter

Hiding Wordpress Dashboard Completely

August 3rd, 2007 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

Read on a few sites that people were trying to figure out how to hide the dashboard on Wordpress to non-admin users. Some said they could hide the link on the panel, but not redirect it. Others said vice versa.

Anyways, I tried it on my own site right here - if you have an account, you can go to your profile and see if you can find the Dashboard (which I hope you shouldn’t :-/ ).

Here’s how to do it:
1) Download ‘Hide Dashboard’ Plugin from Deepwave. However, his plugin will allow you to get to the dashboard via address. The main part, however, is finished. :P

2) Go to your main wordpress directory > wp-admin folder. Find index.php and open it with notepad. Right under the second line


Insert: if (!current_user_can(’level_10′) ) wp_redirect(”profile.php”);

Save it onto your site. You’re done :P

Yea, it is directly modding the files on #2. If anyone knows of a plugin way to do it (insert 1 line… -_-), feel free to say. I myself have no problem making an extra edit if I ever upgrade the wordpress software. :P

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