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Insomnia Film Festival

October 20th, 2007 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #
Hey all - sorry to be begging for your guys' vote yet again. Tongue
     A team I'm part of at school worked from 6am Saturday Oct.13 till past 3am Sunday morning to finish our video for the Insomnia Film Festival.  The contest this time determines their winner entirely on PUBLIC rating, so we need as many people as possible to rate the video full score.  

  - Go to the Insomnia Film Gallery and find the following videos: Unwanted Company
  - Rate it accordingly (excellent prefered Tongue ).  You will need to be logged into an Apple account; if you don't have one, make one! We spent 21 hours on this; you can spare a few minutes of your time please?

     Tell everyone you know to vote (including family members) - the contest specifically suggests having all friends and family to EACH create an account and vote!

Thanks all! Smiley
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