Blabberbox » Trying to Find Storage TrunksShare on Twitter

Trying to Find Storage Trunks

July 26th, 2009 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

  Right now, I just have too much stuff lying around, and I’m not usually one to throw things away.  Normally at this time of year, I’d be stuffing them into trunks or footlockers to store away, but I can’t seem to find any.

  I’ve checked online but the prices range from $120 upwards, not even including shipping.  Many of these don’t even have wheels or handles. -_- The ones I have currently I bought for $20 at Walmart so anything over $60 is already way out of my price range.  None of the Walmarts I visited nearby seem to sell trunks anymore though.

  If anyone knows any stores, local or online that sells these boxes for cheaper - please let me know.  Thanks

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