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eBay Spoof Emails

February 18th, 2008 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

Seems to be a lot going around lately.  Got another spoof email - this time pretending to be eBay.  Funny thing is it asked a question about something I was supposedly selling - but I never sell anything. :P

Subject: Question from eBay member- eluxeauctions.

Hello, I want to make sure that PayPal is ok to pay for my item. I am waiting for your answer as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Easy way to check if it is fake is to simply hover your mouse over the email links.  Doing this, you would find that this specific email has all links pointing to some site called - wouldn’t even bother visiting, more than likely a malicious site.

There really ought to be a law or something to counter this.

312 unique view(s)


  1. seh said,
    Feb-16-2009, 10:29am

    Still around nearly a year later!
    I just got one of these penalcolony linked ‘posing as ebay’ emails too

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