Blabberbox » Enabling Graphics for Nvidia Tesla GPU in Azure VMShare on Twitter

Enabling Graphics for Nvidia Tesla GPU in Azure VM

November 11th, 2018 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #
If you're trying to use the GPUs Azure VMs for actual graphics like in game development, DirectX, or other things where the GPU has to be detected, you need to set the Tesla GPUs to WDDM mode.  By default they are in TCC, which doesn't let them be detected by the system in RDP and has graphics disabled.  Not even Nvidia control panel will see the card.

Solution is pretty quick - just a command line entry.  It can just be done in Command Prompt, no additional software needed.  Credits to the comments on Reddit here:

(Make sure you first have the Nvidia drivers installed, either by starting the VM with an image that has them or installing manually.)

1. Open Command Prompt.
2. Enter: cd C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI
3. Enter: nvidia-smi -l
4. Ctrl+Break to stop the loop. Note the long 000:00:00.0 number under bus-id.
5. Enter: nvidia-smi -g <bus-id> -fdm 0
6. Reboot.

Once you're done, you'll notice Nvidia control panel will now detect the card.  DirectX applications will see it as well, etc.
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  1. Juan Carlos Topete said,
    Oct-22-2019, 01:23pm

    when I typed in the command:  nvidia-smi -l the VM got stuck and performed a reboot before I was able to Ctrl+Break the command to get the output... any way to circumvent this behavior??? I am still unable to use the NVIDIA Tesla K80 driver however, DirectX does not recognize this via RDP and will use the MS Remote Display Adapter

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