This is a long piece but one I've been thinking through for a long time. I've come gradually to see people as being in one of three Tiers when it comes to their motivations, mindset, and ability to make things happen. Before I begin, I want to make clear that this is not about one group of people being better than another. It is also not a relative scale or spectrum; the conditions for each group are discrete. There is no in-between. It's how you think and are motivated most deep down, not how you want to be or what you portray outwardly. Lastly, these are mindsets, not people. It has nothing to do with social status, quality of character, etc. For sake of discussion, we assume everyone is well-intentioned, honest, and overall good people.
This topic can be easily misconstrued as judgmental or arrogant, but it’s important to see that I am not saying people should be one way or another, just that there exists the dynamic...