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Wrist Exercises

August 28th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

Well, I went back to the doctor’s again for another check up.   They did a few tests and I found out my right hand had less than a third of the strength of my left. :O Ouch…

He gave me a few items that are supposed to help me get back strength: a 2ft strip of rubber band and a pink sponge thing.   Amazingly, it hurts to squeeze the sponge -_-

Meanwhile, I got switched out of PE this year by the doctor’s request.   One of the only classes still open was Adobe Photoshop.   It filled the Art requirement for graduation; plus I already knew alot of it.   Might as well get some credits so I don’t have to take Art later on.


375 unique view(s)

Alt Symbol List

August 27th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

Šỳmß☼£ś Łïšţ - Ħǻ ħá łøőķ ẃĥàŧ Ī ƒöůńđ!

Short intro:

  Hold the Alt key and hit 3-4 numbers on your number pad (make sure numlock is on).   You end up with a weird symbol.

The problem…[More]

327 unique view(s)


August 26th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

I just found this site today while browsing some forums.   Very funny stuff! :P Basically there’s an web address that you put a name into, and it’ll end up using that name in the animation.

Example :  

There’s a whole set at  :P

412 unique view(s)


August 25th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Random Stuff | #
         Several of my friends from Zoo Admin introduced me to this interesting card game a few years back. It was the first card game I learned that actually had more to do with skill than luck (aka Poker, 21, Deuces... generally luck). You can actually have real strategies set and many ways to play. It's pretty hard to explain, but many people who learned it from me said it was similar to Rummy. I haven't played Rummy before so I wouldn't know. A good tutorial can be found at Yahoo. It's a pretty neat game, though a bit complicated at first. I suggest trying it out at some point if you ever find yourself without something to do.

         This is arguably the game I was most good at growing up (I was 12 when I learned to play).  I was largely undefeated when playing 1v1.  Tournaments were plenty online at the time, and I won most tournaments I entered (I don't actually remember losing any, but just in case lol).  At the time, I didn't realize most people online I was playing against were probably much older, so it's still a bit jarring for me now realizing there is hardly anyone in my own age group who plays.  

         I don't really play it much anymore, but more because of how few people still play. When I do play, it's usually on Yahoo Games.  Feel free to leave a comment or an email with your Yahoo ID, what room to meet  in, and the time and day if you want a match against me.

1829 unique view(s)


August 25th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Random Stuff | #
    This is a question I get asked from basically every person I meet.
What does pftq stand for? Simple.

The p stands for p
The f stands for f
The t stands for t
The q stands for q

I hope that clears it up everyone. Tongue
1266 unique view(s)


August 25th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

Ok back for the last time this summer I think… Gah I hate roadtrips.   Spending a total of over 30 hours in the car is no good. -_-

Can’t say there’ll be much going on - last week of break and I still got 3 books, a 4-page essay, and tons of worksheets to study. :O

335 unique view(s)

I'm Off Again...

August 18th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

        Starting tomorrow morning - I’m going to be gone for a week or so on yet another road trip.  No clue exactly where we’re going, but it’s somewhere at least.   Just hope I don’t have to be stuck in the car for too long.   Spent way too many hours this year already waiting to get somewhere, instead of actually being somewhere.

310 unique view(s)

New Record: Most Online at One Time!

August 14th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

        I just came on at some random time today and saw that there were 22 people on the site. :O I checked the Stats Page (Click on the counter on main page) and the record of 20 people on the site at one time had been broken! The new record is 23, meaning if I had been online a bit sooner, I could have bumped it up to 24 :P Well that’s still pretty good.   23 people… Haha nice! :D

316 unique view(s)

Tennis Left-Handed

August 12th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #
         First time playing tennis since I broke my wrist.   I normally play many times a week when the weather is good.   Well I was feeling good today and my hand didn't seem as fragile anymore - at least I hope it isn't.   It was an interesting experience.   Every time the ball came toward my right I had the urge to swing at it with my right hand, although I held my racket with my left now.   My left hand however had like no skill whatsoever.   I was lucky to make any good shots.   I often found myself standing in a position ready to swing with my right hand, when I should be ready to hit with my left.   A few times, I tried holding the racket in my right hand.   It was very very heavy - is all I can say.   I actually felt some sharp pain shoot up my wrist so I didn't try it again.

         I did get better later on in the game to the point I was able to return the ball to the otherside,...[More]
376 unique view(s)

Strange Visitor in Gallery

August 12th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

        Very strange happening today.   I was just going through the site and seeing what everyone was lookin at (cause I can :P ) and there’s this one guy who’s in the user manager (admin panel) of the Gallery.

        Now a few points here.

I’m the ONLY admin on the gallery.
I’m the ONLY…[More]

365 unique view(s) Forum Hacked

August 11th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

       The Forums  got hacked again.   They were hacked back in January as well.   Well that was a close one - I managed to stop them before they did too much.   I was actually in the admin panel right as they deleted all the admins - including me. :O I got kicked out but the guy’s name was 123.   Obviously he didn’t put much thought into it so I guessed his password was the same - and what do you know it worked! Pretty funny - I ended up recreating my own account, banning him as him etc.   For now I disabled new user registrations - incase those guys come back again.   That was pretty darn close and I don’t want to go through it again. :O

373 unique view(s)

Left-Handed for a Whole Year

August 9th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #
         Well I got another check up today on my wrist that I broke  back in April.   There wasn't really any bad news - but it was a confirmation of what I didn't want to hear.   I was not to do any heavy lifting for the next entire year.   Completely restricted to a few pounds at maximum.   Gah I was hoping after a few months I could start using it normally but apparently it was for an entire year - no joke.   Had to cancel my P.E. class the upcoming year as well - so I'm guessing I'd probably take it during the summer or something.   Since I have to take it with nobody I know (just about everyone is taking it this year and not the next), I'd rather keep it short.

         Meh I can't wait for this to be over Tongue
396 unique view(s)

Anti-Stupidity Pill

August 8th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

Just happened to come across this while I was browsing the web today.. Pretty funny title.

Anti-Stupidity Pill

The pill actually reduces short-term memory and boosts your “attentiveness” - basically makes you more aware.   I guess it depends on how you define “stupidity”.

They only…[More]

390 unique view(s)

Ambient Galaxy

August 6th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
164 unique view(s)


August 6th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
Mahadeva by Astral Projection
167 unique view(s)


August 6th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
Pharatropic by Pharagonescia
172 unique view(s)

Angel Dust

August 6th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
Angel Dust by DNA
170 unique view(s)


August 6th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
Kabalah by Astral Projection
126 unique view(s)

Power Gen

August 6th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
Power Gen by Astral Projection
143 unique view(s)

Useless Right Hand

August 5th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

        Well stitch has been off for a while now… but wow, hand is USELESS! I can barely move the mouse with it and doing anything as simple as picking up a book makes my wrist feel as if it’s about to just snap off. -_- Also not really sure mywrist is actually “healed” yet.   Near where the breakage was - there’s a very visible “drop”.   The bone in my arm is nice and straight and suddenly drops a bit when it reaches my wrist.   Sort of like —-__, where —- is the level of my arm and __ is the level of my wrist past the break.   Kinda creepy.   I can actually feel a lump of bone around it and then a small crack in the bone where it hasn’t healed, if I press my finger to it.

        My second wrist bone also still continues to rise up every time I raise my arm.   Then it sinks back down when I rest my hand on something.   I can actually press my right hand upwards and have the bone sink back in.   Basically looks like a half of my hand is hanging a bit.


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